Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Wicked (2005)

The months leading up to Christmas 2005 were busier than usual. We moved into our new house on Williams Road in August, the kitchen was gutted and remodeled, new wood floors were installed on the main floor, the Bears were having a winning season. I usually don't start gift prep until December, but this year, if there was going to be a gift, it would have to be less complicated.

The musical Wicked was coming to Chicago and I bought two tickets. Now to wrap them.  One thing the Ferguson's (previous owners) had left behind were a lot of bricks. Okay, I admit it was low hanging fruit, but I wrapped the tickets in a yellow brick.  Surprisingly, I burned through 2 or 3 masonry bits creating a hole large enough to insert a tiny Wicked poster. Cemented that shut, painted the brick bright yellow and tied it with a red ribbon.

Pictured above, the brick is awaiting discovery on the mantle Christmas Day 2005. Yet another gift that required the use of a chisel (and tweezers). This one wasn't going to break if dropped on the driveway.

The show was wicked.