Saturday, December 17, 2011

Love Handles (2000)

Only the contents survive from year five. Love Handles is a wooden sculpture created from the remnants of the redwood boards used in year three.  Squiggles is both Pat's and my favorite personality shape (something to do with creativity).

The pulls were purchased when we were remodeling our kitchen on Coolidge Ave. At the time we decided to go with something else, so these were part of the re-purposed objects.

The package was a concrete block. Love Handles were shrink-wrapped and embedded in quickset, about 15 pounds or more. I may have placed that in a wooden box painted fire engine red. With the ribbon, I provided a hardened chisel.

After a couple of futile attempts to crack open the block, Pat retreated to the driveway where she dropped the concrete and it cracked open. Love Handles survived. Total time elapsed: less than 5 minutes.   Next year would be different.