Complicated unwrappables take time to design and build, and I must have been pressed for time in 2009. The best part of this gift was the vintage copy of Rob White's "The Lion's Paw," a book that has been one of Pat's favorites from adolescence. These are hard to find. The first one we came across was on a shelf at a church resale shop. Pat gave that one to Terry years ago and has kept looking on used book shelves ever since for another.
I bought one in good condition with a dust jacket on eBay for considerably more than we paid at the resale shop.
Since the book is set in Florida, an apt wrapping would involve sand. Not wanting to soil the book, however, I order a pair of Lion's Paw shells from Florida and buried those in a can of sand and soldered the lid shut. Like I said, I must have been pressed for time. It took a bit of prying.
In an earlier post, when I first started patschristmaswrap, I included a picture of the shell and the clue.
I've been looking for another opportunity to use the blog. This is the year.